Sevimli insan Gizem blog tag furyasına dahil etmiş beni sağolsun :)
Cevaplamam gereken sorular sormuş bana. Aslında bu bi zincir, ama ben kimseye bulaştırmıyacağım bu zinciri.
Just for you Gizem :)
Here are the rules:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
Öncelikle hakkımdaki 11 şey:
1- Ben tam bir Akrep'im
2- Kendime sorun çıkarmaya bayılırım!Hayatım tıkırında mı gidiyor?Rahat batar bana.
3- Küçükken kirli çıkıydım, artık paramı har vurup harman savuruyorum.
4- Gevezeyimdir.
5- Pazar sabahı uzun bir kahvaltı yapmazsam çok sinirli olurum. Bütün hafta pazarı bekliyorum!
6- 8 kez Matrix-1 i izledim. Keanu Reeves takıntım vardı ergenken.
7- Torunum olsun istiyorum. (eş,çocuk falan hep toruna ulaşmak için)
8- Müzeyyen Senar annanem, Emel Sayın teyzem, Şevval Sam halam olsun isterdim.
9- Yüzmek ve bisiklet sürmek hayatta beni en çok özgür hissettiren 2 şey
10-Hakkımda film çeksem, ilk çekeceğim film "Amasra'da 2 gün" olurdu
11-İnsana inanıyorum, kazık yiyorum ama olsun, birilerinin inanması lazım
Gizem's questions:
1-Who is your favorite hero? And why?
2-What do you advise to your childhood? ( Imagine that you are travelling in your past.)
3-Do you fallow any magazines? Which ones?
4-What was your most happiest moment in your life? When?
5-Fill in the blank. I am very_________ person.
6-Are you cat lover or dog lover?
7-What is your best fabric to wear?
8-Is there any places do you really want to go?( A country, a city, an island etc.)
9-What is the most exciting thing about moving into new place?
10-If you have chance to marry one of the actors/actress, which one it would be?
11-And new year is coming, how do you feel? What do you plan for it?
And here comes the answers:
1-Papa smurf :)
2-"hey kiddo, you're doing good, keep going till the college years.I'll see you there;)"
3-I used to follow Arredamento, but currently I'm not following any.
4-The happiest one? Ahh,I can count too many,thanks god! But they are mostly "the boy" issue :) and travel moments,and friends,and the family...
5-I am very ......... competible person.
6-Absolutely I'm a cat person!
7-Gauzy veil
8-There are tooo many places that I haven't see yet, and I'm wondering about that, shit!Prague, and Ostuna, and South America can be count as priority.
9-New habits! Choosing the grossery that you will shop, the bakery and the newspaper seller that you will say "goodmorning", etc...
10-Hımmmm.... I can marry with Edward Northon or Ashton Kutcher. Johnny Depp is too cool for me :/ and Al Pacino is too old for me :(
11-I'm waiting to vawe after 2011. It was a total ass to me! And I'm planning to start my new job. If you're asking for a wish from the new year, I'm not hoping a miracle from "a year" anymore.
2020-2024 Günceleri
1 ay önce
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Canımsın, cevaplara bayıldım:)Mutlu huzurlu güzel bi yıl olsun!
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